Are you up for making your furniture? If so, we can help you with the process of restoring! Restaining wood is pretty straightforward, but it can be scary because mistakes can happen. Even a beginner DIYer can give old wooden furniture a new look with just sanding and staining. In this blog post, we’ll discuss all the tools and materials you need to stain something well and each step of the process from beginning to end. So get your sandpaper and stain, and let’s start making those old pieces of furniture look new again!

How To Restain Wood Furniture

How Do You Restain Wood Furniture?

Restaining wood furniture can be a great way to give your furniture the fresh look you desire. Staining wood is a relatively straightforward process that can be done quickly and doesn’t require special skills or tools.

Things you will need:

  • Sandpaper
  • Wood cleaner or conditioner
  • Stain
  • Protective gloves
  • Paintbrush/rag/foam brush
  • Clear coat finish (optional)

Prepping the Furniture:

Before you begin staining the furniture, it is vital to ensure the surface is clean and free of dirt or debris. You can do this by using a wood cleaner or conditioner. Once the surface has been cleaned, use sandpaper to lightly sand any rough areas on the furniture and around corners and tight spaces. Make sure to remove all dust from these areas before continuing with staining.

Applying the Stain:

Wearing protective gloves, apply an even coat of stain onto your wood furniture with a brush, rag, or foam brush in the direction of the grain. If there are any drips or excess stains, wipe them away immediately with a clean cloth. Allow the stain to absorb into the wood for about 5-10 minutes, and then use a clean cloth to wipe away any remaining residue.


Once you are satisfied with the color of your stained furniture, you may add a layer of protection, such as a clear coat finish or sealant. This will help protect your newly stained furniture from scratches and other damage that can occur over time. Once all steps have been completed, let the furniture dry completely before using it again. With these steps, you can easily give your wooden furniture a beautiful new look!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it necessary to strip furniture before refinishing it?

It is not always necessary to strip furniture before refinishing it. If the existing finish has become dull or discolored, it may be possible to sand and restain the surface without stripping. However, if there are deep scratches or other signs of damage, stripping may be necessary to restore the wood grain’s original appearance. Furthermore, if you want to change the color of your wooden furniture, you must first remove any existing stains before applying a new one.

What type of sandpaper should I use?

The surface condition of your furniture will determine the type of sandpaper you should use. Fine-grit sandpaper (220-320) can lightly sand the furniture’s surface in generally good condition with only minor imperfections. For more heavily damaged surfaces, begin with medium-grit paper (120-180), then progress to finer grits.

How do I apply the stain?

After sanding the furniture, it is critical to wipe away all dust from the surface so that it is clean and free of debris before proceeding. Then, apply a thin coat of your preferred wood stain using a soft cloth or brush in an even motion. Allow the stain to absorb into the wood for several minutes, or until it reaches the desired level of darkness, before wiping away any excess with a dry cloth. Allow drying thoroughly before applying a sealer or top coat.

How do I choose the right wood stain?

When choosing a wood stain, it is critical to consider both the type of wood and the desired color. If you want to refresh your stain, choose one that matches the color of your existing stain. For more dramatic color changes, many different shades and hues are available for most types of wood. Furthermore, some stains offer additional protection from water damage or UV rays, so it is vital to research which finishes best suit your needs.

How often should I restain my furniture?

The frequency with which you must refinish your furniture heavily depends on its location and the type of stain you use. If it is in a high-traffic area or is exposed to direct sunlight, it may need to be refinished every year or two. Otherwise, when the existing finish begins to fade or discolor, reapplication is required. Furthermore, certain stains will last longer than others, so research the longevity of your chosen product before beginning the refinishing project.


Finally, refinishing and staining wood furniture is an excellent way to update your home’s décor. You can quickly achieve beautiful results that will last for years if you take the time to properly prepare, sand, and finish the surfaces of your furniture. Furthermore, suppose you are unsure about completing this project on your own. In that case, it is always best to seek the assistance of a professional with the necessary skills and experience in successfully restaining wood furniture. Restaining wood furniture can be a worthwhile endeavor with stunning results if done with patience and dedication.

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