Paint sprayers are handy tools for completing projects quickly and efficiently. However, when you don’t take the time to properly maintain them (especially after painting with latex paint), you can be left with a cleaning job that seems almost impossible. Whether your paint has dried in the gun’s nozzle or has clogged up the filter, all hope is not lost! With some patience and elbow grease, it’s possible to get your sprayer working again. In this blog post, we’ll explain how to clean a paint sprayer with dried paint—so grab your safety gear and let’s get started!


Things Required:

  • A container big enough to fit the paint sprayer
  • Disposable gloves
  • Old rags or newspaper for disposal of waste
  • Paint thinner or mineral spirits
  • Spatula or putty knife (optional)

Step 1: Put on Gloves

Wear disposable gloves to protect your skin from harsh chemicals and paint residue.

Step 2: Fill a Container

Fill a container large enough to fit your paint sprayer with paint thinner or mineral spirits. It would be best if you used something approved for cleaning equipment. Ensure the liquid completely covers the sprayer as you submerge it in the solution. Please leave it to soak overnight.

Step 3: Remove Any Hardened Paint

If there is any hardened paint on the exterior of your sprayer, you can scrape it off using a spatula or putty knife. Ensure not to scratch away at any plastic parts, as this could cause damage to the equipment.

Step 4: Rinse the Paint Sprayer

Once the paint sprayer is finished soaking, please remove it from the container and rinse any remaining residue with a rag or old newspaper. Make sure also to rinse out the interior parts of the sprayer.

Step 5: Dry

Once your paint sprayer has been rinsed, let it dry before using it again. Ensure all liquids are entirely removed from the equipment before safely storing them.

Following these simple steps, you can easily clean a paint sprayer with dried paint without damaging the equipment! To keep tools like a paint sprayer lasting and working well, you must be careful when cleaning them.

Tips for Cleaning Dried Paint from a Paint Sprayer

  • Disassemble the paint sprayer and clean all the pieces separately with a brush, hot soapy water, and a cloth rag.
  • Remove any dried paint from the spray gun using a stiff brush or steel wool while wearing protective gloves.
  • Use a rubber mallet to gently remove any caked-on paint inside the hose or nozzle.
  • Please fill your bucket with hot, soapy water and submerge the sprayer parts for several hours to help loosen and remove stubborn particles of dried paint clinging to them.
  • When removed from the water, use compressed air to blow dry the parts for an even faster drying time.
  • Use a stiff brush to clean small parts, like the nozzle and trigger, to remove all the dirt.
  • Use a cleaner with a solvent to clean paint sprayers to remove any dried paint stuck to the parts.
  • Rinse the components with hot water once the solvent-based cleaner has done its job, and allow them to air dry completely before reassembling the paint sprayer.
  • Lubricate all moving parts with mineral oil or petroleum jelly to ensure smooth operation.
  • Test your newly cleaned paint sprayer by spraying a small amount of water on cardboard or canvas before using it on a painting project. This will help ensure all the dirt is gone and the paint sprayer works well.

Follow these tips for cleaning dried paint from a paint sprayer, and you’ll have a clean machine in no time! With regular maintenance and proper cleaning, your sprayer should last you years.

Frequently Asked Questions

What materials do I need to clean a paint sprayer with dried paint?

You will need a few different implements and substances to properly clean a paint sprayer with dried paint. You will need mineral spirits or lacquer thinner for solvent-based paints; water for latex paints; warm water and soap for cleaning; rags or paper towels; steel wool or wire brush; and an old toothbrush.

How long does it take to clean the sprayer thoroughly?

The time required can vary depending on how much-dried paint is stuck in the sprayer and how hard it is to remove it. However, it would help if you allowed at least an hour or two to clean the sprayer properly.

What is the best way to start the cleaning process?

The best way to begin is by first disassembling the sprayer, including removing any removable parts and storing them safely. Once all the parts are removed, you should soak them in mineral spirits or lacquer thinner for 24 hours if they are covered with solvent-based paint. For latex paints, use warm water and soap instead. After soaking, use a rag, steel wool, or wire brush to remove as much dried paint as possible before finally rinsing the parts with warm water.

How can I prevent this from happening again?

One of the most important things you can do to avoid cleaning a sprayer with dried paint is to clean and store the sprayer after each use properly. This includes cleaning all the parts that come into contact with paint and ensuring the hoses and nozzle are free of clogs or blockages. Additionally, you should always ensure that you have plenty of paint in your reservoir before starting your project so there won’t be any gaps where paint can dry and clog up the system.

Are there any special instructions for cleaning specific parts?

Yes, when it comes to specific components like filters, nozzles, and hoses, you must ensure they are thoroughly cleaned and inspected before reassembling the sprayer. If the filters are clogged or broken, they should be replaced. Nozzles and hoses should be cleaned with an old toothbrush to ensure all the dried paint is gone. Additionally, you will want to ensure that all parts are dry before reassembling the sprayer to prevent any moisture from causing problems in the future.


Finally, cleaning a paint sprayer with dried paint can be time-consuming and laborious. You must use the proper techniques and products to keep your sprayer in good order. Use simple soaps and hot water, and dry all components thoroughly before storing them. If you run into problems or have questions, you should always seek advice and assistance from a professional. Your sprayer should last for many years with proper maintenance.

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