Are you looking for a way to update the look of your old computer case? Have you thought about spray painting it but aren’t sure where to start? If that’s the case, this blog post is for you! This article will cover the best spray painting techniques and computer case tips. You’ll learn the fundamentals of case preparation and which paint types produce the best durability and finish results. While completing this task, we will also review the necessary safety precautions. So, if you’re willing to take a chance on turning something ordinary into something extraordinary with just a little time and effort, let’s get started with our how-to spray paint a computer case guide!

How To Spray Paint A Computer Case

How To Spray Paint A Computer Case

Tools Required to Spray Paint a Computer Case:

Spray Paint:

Make sure you paint your computer case with the right color and type of paint. Latex or acrylic paints work best because they last a long time, don’t melt quickly, and are easy to clean with soap and water.


Wear gloves when you handle spray paint so that you don’t get it on your skin and get irritated or have other health problems.


Goggles protect your eyes from paint particles that fly into the air when you spray paint on your computer case.

Respirator Mask:

A respirator mask is necessary to keep from breathing in dangerous fumes from the spray paint while it is being used. This will also keep you from breathing in tiny particles that could end up in your lungs.

Towels or Rags:

Use towels or rags to wipe off any extra paint on the computer case and clean up any paint spills that might happen while painting.


Before you paint your computer case, you should sand it down so that the paint will stick to a smooth, even surface. This will also help remove any dirt, dust, or grime on the surface that might keep the spray paint from sticking well.


If you use a primer, your spray paint color will stick better and last longer on surfaces like plastic or metal, where a single coat of paint might not be enough.

Painters Tape:

Use painter’s tape to cover any buttons or ports on your computer case you don’t want to paint. This will stop the paint from going over the edges by accident and keep the edges clean when painting around them.


Put newspaper over the area where you spray paint your computer case to keep paint from getting on other surfaces.

Isopropyl Alcohol/Thinner:

Before you start, wipe the outside of your computer case down with isopropyl alcohol or thinner to remove any dirt or grime that may have built up over time. This will help ensure the surface is clean and ready to be painted.

Microfiber Cloth:

After spraying your computer case, use a microfiber cloth to remove leftover paint on the surface and buff away any paint on the edges.

Step 1: Dismantle and Clean the Computer Case

Before you start, you have to take apart the computer case and remove all the buttons, ports, filters, and other parts. Then, wipe the surface of the computer case with a damp cloth with some isopropyl alcohol or thinner on it to get rid of any dirt or grime that may have built up over time. This will help your spray paint stay on better when you use it.

Step 2: Sanding and Filling

Once you’ve cleaned the outside of your computer case, you can use sandpaper to smooth out any bumps or marks on the surface. This will also help prepare it for painting by making the surface smoother and more even, so the spray paint will stick to it better. If the computer case has holes or gaps, fill them with filler so the paint goes smoothly.

Step 3: Masking and Creating a Spray Area

Before you spray paint your computer case, cover any buttons or ports you don’t want to get paint on. You could also make a safe place to spray where you don’t have to worry about getting paint on nearby surfaces. Place newspaper around the area and ensure all windows are closed or covered with plastic sheeting to prevent spray paint particles from flying away.

Step 4: Warming and Applying the Paint

Before painting, put your spray paint cans in a shallow hot water bath. This will help ensure that the paint goes on the surface of your computer case more evenly. Then, from about 12 to 18 inches away, use a spray trigger to put thin primer and color coat coats on the case. Allow enough time for each coat to dry before moving on to the next one.

Step 5: Clear Coating and Re-Riveting

After all the layers are on, you can protect your work with a clear coat. After applying this layer, let it dry for the right amount before polishing it with fine-grit sandpaper or steel wool. Lastly, you need to re-rive your computer case and put it back together before you can use it again.

Step 6: Enjoy the Results

Once you’ve done the steps above, you should have a new computer case that looks great and lasts for years. Have fun with your painted and re-riveted case!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does metal require a primer before spray painting?

Yes, always prime a metal surface before spray painting it. Using primer ensures the painted surface is smooth and resistant to peeling. The enhanced quality and durability this provides to the final product are worth the extra effort. The metal primer should be used before spray painting directly onto the metal. Follow the directions on the label for optimal performance.

Do I need to sand or clean my computer case before painting?

Before painting, the surface should be clean and free of dirt or debris. To achieve the best results, lightly sand the area with fine-grit sandpaper to remove any imperfections in the metal. Once the computer case is smooth, wipe it down with a damp cloth to remove dust or particles. You are now ready for primer and paint!

Can you spray paint metal without first sanding it?

Spray painting metal without first sanding it is not recommended. Sanding creates an even surface for the primer to adhere to and improves paint adhesion. Sanding can also help smooth out any imperfections in the metal, resulting in a better-finished product. If you skip this step, the result may not look as good or last as long. It is best to sand before beginning to paint!


Finally, spray painting a computer case can be a fun and simple way to personalize your setup. Before you begin, make sure you have everything you need. Use the appropriate safety precautions for the job, and take your time with each step. You can turn any boring old computer case into something unique and exciting with patience and care!

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