Are you looking for an inexpensive and fast way to update your bathroom sink? There is no need to look further; spray painting is the ideal solution! You can transform an outdated or dented sink into a sleek, modern fixture in no time using a few easy steps. In this blog post, we’ll cover all the basics of spray painting your sink, from choosing the right paint color to using proper safety precautions when working with aerosol paints. Get ready to turn that dull washroom sink into something new; let’s get started!

How To Spray Paint a Bathroom Sink

Things you will need:

  • Spray paint
  • Primer
  • Sandpaper/sander
  • Clear coat
  • Gloves
  • Protective glasses
  • Mask
  • Paint suit
  • Old towels or cloths
  • Drop cloths
  • Painters tape
  • Newspaper
  • Soapy water
  • Brush for cleaning.

Wear Protective Gear:

Before you begin, wear the proper safety gear. This includes gloves, glasses, a mask, and a protective suit.

Prepare the area:

Cover surfaces that should not be painted with drop cloths or old towels/cloths. Use painter’s tape to secure it and lay down the newspaper for extra protection.

Clean the Surface:

Wipe off all excess dirt and debris from your sink with a damp cloth or soapy water. Let the surface completely dry before moving on to sanding or priming.

Sand the Sink:

Wearing gloves, use sandpaper or a sander to lightly sand your sink’s entire surface. This will help the paint stick better and provide a smoother finish.

Apply Primer and Spray Paint on the Bathroom Sink:

Following the instructions, apply primer to the sink using even strokes. Let it dry completely before applying spray paint in several thin coats, allowing each coat to dry before applying another.

Clear Coat:

Once the spray paint has dried, add a clear coat for extra protection. Follow directions on how long to let it cure before adding water or touching it with anything else.

Clean Up:

After allowing enough time to dry, remove all drop cloths/towels from around the sink and clean up any remaining mess.

What Type of Paint Is Used To Paint A Bathroom Sink?

Painting a bathroom sink requires using a particular type of paint designed for the purpose. The best results are achieved with specially designed aerosol spray paints that come in many colors and finishes, such as gloss or matte. These sprays are formulated to adhere to porcelain and other hard surfaces, providing long-lasting protection against heat, humidity, and wear. They also require little surface preparation to achieve your desired results quickly without much hassle.

If you have an older sink or one made from other materials, such as plastic, enamel paint is a suitable alternative to spray paint. Enamel paint creates a more complex finish than regular latex paint, making it ideal for sinks with frequent contact with water. Be sure to use an oil-based product, as water-based ones can be damaged easily. For best results, apply two coats of enamel paint and let them dry between each coat. A sealant may also be applied once the paint is fully dry to protect the sink further. Finally, use good-quality brushes and rollers to ensure a smooth finish.

Regardless of the type of paint you choose, it’s important to remember that adequately prepping with sandpaper before painting will ultimately lead to better results. This includes removing surface rust or scale before applying spray or enamel paint. Doing so ensures your new finish won’t chip off quickly due to imperfections, ensuring that your newly painted bathroom sink will last for years.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What kind of paint should I use?

High-gloss enamel paint is best for bathroom sinks because it provides a durable, waterproof finish. Additionally, you can choose from various colors to fit your aesthetic preferences. If you want a matte finish, consider using epoxy paint instead.

How many coats of paint do I need to apply?

Generally speaking, two to three coats of paint should be applied to ensure complete coverage and a smooth, even finish. Allow the first coat of paint to dry completely before adding a coat or two if necessary or desired.

Do I need to use a primer?

Although a primer isn’t always necessary, it is highly recommended for the best results. Primers help paint adhere more efficiently and ensure a longer-lasting finish. Be sure to choose one specifically designed for use in bathrooms and other wet areas.

What kind of brush should I use?

A high-quality, synthetic brush should be used to apply the paint. Natural-bristle brushes tend to leave behind bristles in the finish and are not ideal for this type of project. Additionally, a foam roller is excellent for applying an even coat of paint on large surfaces.

Can I spray-paint my bathroom sink?

Yes! If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to update your bathroom sink, spray painting is an option. However, getting an even finish may take more time and effort than traditional painting methods. Use a specialized spray primer designed for wet areas before beginning.


Finally, spray painting a bathroom sink is challenging but doable with the proper tools and materials. Taking your time to prepare the surface, masking off the area not to be painted, applying many light coats of spray paint, and giving adequate drying time between each coat is critical to attaining a great result. You can change your bathroom sink into something lovely with effort and dedication!

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