If you’ve ever been the victim of a prank involving spray paint in your hair, then you know how frustrating and embarrassing it can be. Not to mention that if left untreated, trying to remove the paint from your hair can result in more damage than good. But never fear — with the right approach, it is possible to safely remove spray paint from your hair without causing any damage. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some easy and effective techniques for removing spray paint so you don’t have to live with this embarrassment anymore!

How To Remove Spray Paint From Hair

How To Remove Spray Paint From Hair

Things you will need:

  • Warm Water
  • Shampoo
  • Coconut Oil
  • Vinegar
  • Toothpaste
  • Lemon Juice
  • Honey
  • Paint Thinner

Removing spray paint from hair depends on the type of paint you are dealing with. If it’s water-based, then warm water and shampoo should do the trick. However, if it is an oil-based or enamel spray paint, things become more complicated. Here’s how to get rid of each type:

Water-based spray paint:

Start by soaking your hair in warm water for a few minutes. After this, use your nails to scrape off as much paint as possible. Then apply shampoo and scrub gently with the tips of your fingertips to help loosen the remaining particles. Rinse well with cold water once you’re done.

Oil-Based Spray Paint:

Add coconut oil to your hair and rub it into any affected areas; this should help break down the paint particles. Once you’ve followed that up with some shampoo, use a comb to remove the loosened pieces of paint from your scalp and hair shafts. Enamel Spray Paint: Vinegar is one of the most effective remedies for tackling enamel spray paint. Combine some white vinegar with water and pour it over the affected area. Use your fingertips to scrub gently, then rinse out with cold water. Alternatively, you can use toothpaste on a damp cloth and work it into the painted areas of your hair.

Lemon Juice:

For tougher stains from spray paint, try using lemon juice – this works best on light-colored hair as it may discolor darker strands when used too frequently or in excess. Mix lemon juice and water and apply directly onto the stained area, then rinse off after 20 minutes.


One unexpected remedy for removing spray paint from hair is honey! It has natural bleaching properties, so it can strip away the paint without damaging your hair. Mix honey and water, massage it into the affected area, and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing off with cold water.

Paint Thinner:

If all else fails, you can use paint thinner as a last resort to dissolve any remaining particles. Ensure your head is well-ventilated when working with these products, and always wear protective gear such as gloves and safety glasses.

Once you’ve applied the thinner and allowed it to sit for a few minutes, rinse your hair with warm water before shampooing. You should now be able to remove spray paint from your hair successfully! Follow the instructions carefully and take all necessary precautions when using these methods.

What happens if Spray Paint gets in your hair?

Getting the paint out of your hair without damaging it can be challenging. You can take some easy steps to safely remove spray paint from your locks. First, soak your hair in warm water for at least 15 minutes. This will help loosen the paint and make it easier to remove. After soaking, wash your hair with shampoo or another cleaning agent that won’t damage your scalp or cause irritation.

Next, use your nails to scrape off as much paint as possible. Be sure not to use any sharp objects that could cut or scratch your skin! Once most of the paint has been scraped away, take a comb and gently brush through the area where the spray paint was applied. This should remove any remaining particles. You can also use coconut oil, vinegar, toothpaste, lemon juice, or honey directly on the stained area to break down the paint and make removing it more accessible. If none of these methods work, you may need a paint thinner.

Use this as a last resort since it can be harsh on your scalp and hair! After applying the thinner, wash your hair with shampoo once again to remove all traces of the paint. By following these steps and being careful not to use anything too abrasive or damaging on your hair, you should be able to successfully remove spray paint from your locks without any harm done! Remember that patience is key when removing paint from your hair, so take your time and be gentle.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the best way to get spray paint out of hair?

The best way to get spray paint out of hair is by soaking it in warm water, washing it thoroughly with shampoo, and scraping off as much paint as possible with your nails. You can also use a comb to remove any remaining traces of spray paint.

Is there anything else I can do if these strategies don’t work?

If the above strategies don’t work, use coconut oil, vinegar, toothpaste, lemon juice, or honey. If all else fails, you can use paint thinner as a last resort. However, it is vital to use this only as a last resort and be very careful when handling it. Wear appropriate protective gear and conduct the process in a well-ventilated area.

What will happen if I leave the spray paint in my hair?

Leaving spray paint in your hair for too long can cause serious damage to your hair follicles and scalp. It can cause discoloration and breakage of your hair strands. In addition, exposure to the chemicals in the spray paint over time can be toxic and unhealthy for your scalp and body. Therefore, removing the spray paint from your hair immediately is essential.


Finally, the best method to remove spray paint from hair is to use warm water, shampoo, coconut oil, vinegar, lemon juice, and honey. If none of these methods work, you can attempt to use paint thinner as a last resort. Always wear protective clothing when working with chemicals, such as paint thinner, to avoid getting the chemicals on your flesh. It is also critical to seek expert assistance if you are uncertain how to remove spray paint from your hair safely.

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