Do you want to know how to clean your spray gun after using water-based paint? If this is the case, you’ve come to the right place. Cleaning a spray gun is essential for removing remnants of old paint and residue and operating your tool at peak performance. In this blog post will review how to clean your water-based paint off your spray gun properly. We’ll review all the techniques and tools needed to safely remove old water-based paints from equipment while ensuring no parts or components are damaged. So, if you want the best cleaning results with the least effort, keep reading!


How To Clean Water-Based Paint From Spray Gun

If you have a water-based paint spray gun, keeping it clean and free from clogging or sticking is essential. You can take several steps to ensure your spray gun remains in good working order for many years.

What you Will need:

  • A small bucket of warm water
  • Liquid dish soap or specialized cleaning solution
  • Clean rags or Q-tips
  • Compressed air (optional)

Preparing the Gun:

Start by removing the cup from your spray gun and setting it aside. Place a rag beneath the nozzle to catch any paint that may drip out as you clean. If there is any excess paint residue on the outside of the gun, use a damp cloth or Q-tip to remove it before proceeding with further cleaning.

Clean Out Paint Residue Inside the Gun:

Clean out any paint residue inside the gun using warm water, dish soap, and a cloth or Q-tip. Ensure all interior parts are thoroughly cleaned so no clogs form in the future. Additionally, if you can access compressed air, you can use this method to help remove any stubborn paint residue.

Rinse and Reassemble:

Once the gun’s interior is clean, rinse it with warm water to remove any soap residue. Then reassemble your spray gun, attach the cup to the nozzle, and ensure all parts are securely connected.


Finally, as a preventative measure, always use a cleaning solution after each painting project to keep your spray gun free from clogs or sticking paint residue. This will help ensure that your paint jobs look professional for years! Additionally, remember that some paints may require specialized cleaning solutions, which can be purchased at most hardware stores.

Final Thoughts:

These steps will keep your water-based paint spray gun clean and operational for many years. With proper maintenance, you can ensure that each painting project has a professional finish. Also, if any parts of the gun need to be replaced, do so as soon as possible to ensure that the gun works properly.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Are The Steps To Clean Water-Based Paints From A Spray Gun?

Cleaning water-based paint from a spray gun requires a few simple steps. First, run warm soapy water through the gun and nozzle until it is free of any residue. Next, rinse with clean water and inspect to ensure all the paint has been removed. Lastly, dry thoroughly using compressed air or cloth towels.

How Often Should I Clean My Spray Gun After Using Water-Based Paint?

It is recommended to clean your spray gun after each use with water-based paints. This ensures that no paint will dry inside the gun and clog up over time.

Can I Use Acetone To Clean My Spray Gun?

Do not use acetone or any other type of solvent to clean water-based paints from your spray gun. Doing so can damage the gun’s internal parts and make it more difficult to clean in the future.

What Should I Use To Lubricate The O-Rings On My Spray Gun?

After cleaning, you should lubricate all moving parts with a silicone-based lubricant. This will ensure that your spray gun works appropriately and prevents corrosion from buildup due to moisture.

Is It Necessary To Disassemble My Spray Gun Before Cleaning?

It is not necessary to disassemble your spray gun before cleaning. However, if you cannot remove all residue from the internal parts, it may be beneficial to take them apart and thoroughly clean each component.

What Should I Do If My Spray Gun Is Clogged With Water-Based Paint?

If your spray gun is clogged with water-based paint, you have a few options. To begin, run warm soapy water through the gun several times. Then, using compressed air or a toothpick, remove any remaining residue. Finally, soak the gun in a cleaning solution for at least an hour before rinsing and drying. If the clog persists, disassembling the gun and cleaning each component individually may be required.


Finally, cleaning your spray gun frequently and adequately to extend your equipment’s life is critical. Warm water, dish soap, mineral spirits, or denatured alcohol can clean water-based paint from a spray gun. Scrub away any residue with a brush or rag if necessary. Dry the parts with compressed air before reassembling them for the next time. Following these instructions will help you keep your spray gun in good working order for many years!

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