Do you need to clean your Graco paint sprayer? Are you unsure how to do it properly and want some tips for getting the job done right? Look no further – in this blog post, we’ll walk through exactly how to clean a Graco paint sprayer so that you can be sure your next painting project is successful. From proper solvent selection to cleaning the internal components, this comprehensive guide will give you all the information necessary to keep your Graco paint sprayer functioning at its best. So if you’re ready to learn one of the most important aspects of maintaining a quality finish in your projects, read on!


Guide to Maintaining Your Graco Paint Sprayer

Flush the System:

After each use, flush the paint sprayer with a water-only solution to remove any excess paint and keep it in good working condition. Ensure no more than two gallons of water is used simultaneously to avoid over-saturating the system.

Clean Immediately:

After use, immediately clean out the nozzle, hose, and cup of your Graco paint sprayer by running cleaning fluid through them. This will help ensure that all parts are free from dried paint buildup or other debris, which could cause clogs or blockages when not removed promptly.

Soak Parts:

Depending on how long between uses you have let your Graco paint sprayer sit, you may need to soak the parts in a cleaning solution. This will help loosen any dried paint and debris built on them over time. Always make sure to thoroughly rinse off the parts after soaking, or else this could lead to clogs or blockages later.

Brush It Out:

Use a soft brush to clean out the nozzle, hose, and cup of your Graco Paint Sprayer. This will remove any remaining dirt or debris and help prevent the future buildup of unwanted materials. Be sure not to use anything too abrasive, which may damage your Graco Paint Sprayer’s components.

Rinse Thoroughly:

After brushing out all the parts, thoroughly rinse them with warm water. This will help eliminate any remaining dirt or debris and will also help ensure that no cleaning solution residue is left behind.

Dry It Off:

After rinsing, it is vital to ensure all parts are correctly dried off before storing your Graco Paint Sprayer away for future use. This ensures that the parts remain in good condition and prevents any corrosion from occurring.

Clean Inside:

Clean your Graco Paint Sprayer’s interior using a soft brush and warm water after each use. This helps remove any unwanted paint or particle buildup on the inside walls and keeps your sprayer working in peak condition for a long time.

Replace Parts:

Depending on how often you use your Graco Paint Sprayer, it will be necessary to periodically replace certain parts, such as the nozzle and hose, to keep your sprayer working optimally. Check for any signs of wear or tear and take appropriate action if necessary.

Clean Between Jobs:

When switching between different types of paint, it is vital to flush out the Graco Paint Sprayer’s system and clean all parts before using a new paint color. This helps avoid mixing colors which could lead to an unexpected shade in the final product.

Store Properly:

After cleaning, ensure your Graco Paint Sprayer is stored properly so that no dirt or debris accumulates while it is not in use. This will help keep your sprayer in good condition and ready for the next job.

How To Clean Graco Paint Sprayer

After completing the painting job, cleaning your Graco paint sprayer is essential. Doing this can help ensure your equipment keeps working well and reliably over time. Cleaning your paint sprayer can be relatively simple if you follow the steps below.

1: Pressure Relief Procedure

  • Start by turning off the paint sprayer and unplugging it from the power source.
  • Release any remaining pressure in the paint sprayer by activating its pressure relief valve near your machine’s rear.
  • Activate your pump’s priming knob to remove all residual coating from the hose and gun assembly before disconnecting it from the machine body.
  • Remove debris or excess coatings from your airless gun by cleaning it with an appropriate cleaner or solvent. Put aside for further cleaning if needed; otherwise, dispose of it responsibly according to local regulations.
  • Disconnect hoses from the gun and sprayer body and place them aside for further cleaning.

2: Flush Coatings

  • Reattach the hose to the paint sprayer and secure it with a clamp or similar fastening device.
  • Fill your Graco paint sprayer container with an appropriate cleaning solvent, such as mineral spirits or lacquer thinner, depending on the type of coating you use during painting.
  • Operate the pump intermittently until all air is cleared from the system and replaced with solvent-filled air.
  • Activate your gun’s trigger to release any pressure in the pump and allow its fluid passages to flush cleanly with solvent-filled air expelled from the machine.
  • Once the solvent has been completely evacuated, shut down your paint sprayer and turn off its main power switch.

3: Clean The Pump

  • Unplug your Graco paint sprayer from any power source and open its hood to access the pump mechanism inside it.
  • Remove any debris or excess coatings that have built up around the pump’s inlet valve, piston rod, and seat, using a brush or suitable cleaning tool if necessary.
  • Thoroughly rinse away any residues with warm water before wiping down all pump surfaces with a lint-free cloth or similar item for added protection against contamination.
  • Reassemble the hood and lid on your paint sprayer once all surfaces have been cleaned, dried, and inspected for any other debris or dirt.

4: Clean the Hose & Gun

  • Disconnect the hose from your airless gun and Graco paint sprayer body, then set it aside for further cleaning.
  • Flush out the hose with an appropriate cleaner or solvent to remove any residual coatings that may still be present inside it.
  • Wipe down the exterior of your airless gun with a lint-free cloth to remove any residue or dirt built up around its nozzle area over time.
  • Remove the back cap from your gun and flush its interior with cleaner or solvent, as well as any other components, such as filters, that need cleaning.
  • Reattach the hose to the gun and sprayer body once all components have been cleaned and dried.

5: Reassemble & Test

  • Reconnect the components of your Graco paint sprayer together and secure them with clamps or other fastening devices as needed.
  • Please fill up the machine’s container with an appropriate solvent or cleaner, then operate it to prime its fluid passages and clear out any remaining air bubbles in the system.
  • Connect a pressure gauge to the rear of your paint sprayer and check that its pressure output is accurate, meaning it should read around 500 psi (pounds per square inch) when running correctly.
  • Multiple times, activate your gun’s trigger to ensure smooth operation without sticking or jerking motions during movement.
  • Once all testing is complete and satisfactory, your Graco paint sprayer should be ready. Monitor it closely during operation for any further signs of wear or damage and address them accordingly. Regular cleaning and maintenance are recommended for optimal performance.

All safety precautions should be observed when attempting the above methods for cleaning your Graco paint sprayer. Wearing protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and an apron is essential when handling solvents or other hazardous materials. Follow all relevant instructions in your owner’s manual before operating your machine. If you experience any difficulties, please get in touch with Graco customer service for further assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How often should I clean my Graco paint sprayer?

To keep your Graco paint sprayer in optimal working condition, clean it thoroughly at the end of each project and after every few uses. This will help to prevent clogs and excessive buildup of dried paint inside the hose and on the tip.

Are there any steps I should take to maintain my Graco paint sprayer?

It’s essential to keep your Graco paint sprayer in good condition by regularly inspecting it for signs of wear and taking preventative measures such as cleaning after each use and replacing worn parts as soon as possible. It’s also a good idea to store your sprayer in a cool, dry place when not in use.

What type of cleaner should I use for cleaning my Graco paint sprayer?

It would help if you cleaned the outside of your Graco paint sprayer with warm, soapy water and a soft cloth or sponge. To clean the inside, you can use solvent- or water-based cleaners specifically designed for cleaning paint sprayers. Ensure to follow all instructions on the product label before using it.


Finally, cleaning your Graco Paint Sprayer properly ensures your paint job looks great. Taking the time to disassemble and thoroughly clean all components of the paint sprayer will ensure that it remains in good working order for many years to come, allowing you to achieve a better finish on any painting project. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when it comes to maintenance and cleaning. This will help keep your Graco Paint Sprayer working correctly, producing a smooth, even coat that looks perfect every time.

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